Organizing clutter should always be part of your bedroom design.

You've finished eating, the kitchen is cleaned up and the kids are in bed. You and your partner head for your room, hand in hand. Flipping on the soft lights and smelling the fresh flowers you both feel more like guests than overworked parents. As you turn down the bedspread, he goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth. In the mirror he sees the sheer nightgown you hung on the back of the door (instead of the old terrycloth robe). What an improvement! You used to have to dig your way through piles to get to the bed.

No kids toys, finger paintings, or problems should be brought to your bedroom. This is a place for dark, sensual, textural colors and fabrics (not gender specific), delicate flowers, and light fresh scents. Warm, low lighting, a furry area rug under your bare feet, lots of soft pillows, and satin, silk or brushed cotton linens to complete the mood.

Memorabilia from your dating days can be made into a collage and framed. Hang a favorite picture from your honeymoon. If you enjoy poetry, a book on the table next to your array of candles on the dresser, in various sizes and colors, and in your favorite scents. If you have a television, it should be in a cabinet with closed doors.

With soft music on a timer that you can doze off too you will sleep in total comfort and wake up eager to start another day!

Lisa Mason is a freelance writer with a specialty in Internet content and SEO articles. She has written thousands of articles, hundreds of ebooks and thousands of website pages and related content. She has also authored her own books and works as a consultant to other writers, Internet marketers and Internet businesses.


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